joanne Weck Author Page

Monday, April 8, 2013


"Not knowing when the dawn will come I open every door." Emily Dickinson

Sometimes I feel the the pitcher is empty, the well has run dry. The pump is primed but nothing is flowing. I sit in front of my computer and retype my last two pages but nothing new flows. I try my previous methods of jump-starting my creative process but nothing seems to be working. This is the time I turn to hints and tips I've learned from the experts:

Here are some of of my favorites:

From Outwitting Writer's Block by Jenna Glatzer:

1. Allow yourself to write poorly--in fact say "I'm going to write the worst stuff I've ever written."
2. Ignore all the rules you've learned: Skip your usual schedule; Write in a new genre; Change the point of view; Ignore your outline, Write in a new location, Take a bubble bath or shower
3. Be your own advocate: Talk to yourself like a friend, offer yourself encouragement, recall your successes
4. Turn your internal critic into a character in your story and make him/her as ugly as possible

From the Artists' Way, Creativity as a Spiritual Practice by Julia Cameron:

1. Give up your sense of control--turn your work over to a higher power
2. Find a space that feels sacred (church, synagogue, grove of trees, etc.) and sit quietly to receive any thoughts that come to you
3.Take yourself on an "Artist's Date" and do something you enjoy to relax and lessen tension
4. List ten things that you cherish in your life

From Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

Keep a Creative Visualization notebook in which you write:
1. Affirmations--statements of encouragement and acknowledgement for yourself
2. Outflow list--list all of the positive ways you can outflow your energy to the world and the people around you. Include time, money, love, friendship as well as your special talents and abilities
3. Success list--write down any success you've had in any field or relationship or situation
4. Appreciation list--write down everything you are thankful for in order to open up your heart
5. Fantasies and Creative Ideas--Jot down any ideas, plans, or dream for the future, or any creative ideas that come to you, even if they feel far-fetched. This will help you loosen up and stimulate your imagination and natural creative ability.

Sometimes the best way to encourage creativity is to take a break from the effort. Give yourself permission to walk away. You might return refreshed and ready to WRITE ON!

1 comment:

  1. ...great ideas sure to open the creativity lobe in the brain!!!!
