joanne Weck Author Page

Thursday, June 13, 2013


"Never give up. And most importantly, be true to yourself. Write from your heart, in your own voice, and about what you believe in." Louise Brown 

I believe that writers become writers partly through reading other writers, great writers, genre writers, popular writers, writers of every stripe. You can't learn to discriminate without comparisons. Imitation, especially when you are starting your writing career, can be a great learning exercise. Attempt to write in the styles of authors you admire, but don't get stuck there. By reading and writing, reading and writing, you will eventually find and recognize the emergence of your own unique voice.

The most difficult part of this process, I believe, is accepting that your voice is valuable, that its very uniqueness is what gives it power. You may have traits and themes in common with other writers but your voice, nonetheless, will be unlike any other.

This voice, your unique voice will emerge from your own early experiences, your family life, your region, the patterns of language you heard and spoke, the religious and family rituals in which you participated. Your voice may emerge from your roots, your schooling, your reading, your life. Don't denigrate it because it is yours, the way many people fail to appreciate their innate talents.
"If its mine it can't be valuable." Instead treasure it. Praise it. Use it. WRITE ON!

1 comment:

  1. Your comments ring so true...wish often that I had thought of them first....! Smiles!!!
