“There is no place for grief in a house which serves the Muse.”
― Sappho

Sometimes my Muse is an elusive spirit, a naughty imp who wants to play hide and seek when I need her aid. Sometimes she's a hungry ghost, demanding food and drink. How do I nourish my Muse? Art inspires Art. Creativity feeds on creativity.
When the stream runs dry you have to visit the river. Sometimes I do this literally--by immersing myself in Nature--a walk through an autumn woods, a quiet afternoon staring out at the ocean or watching a sunset.
I can also nourish my Muse on a smaller scale--by rearranging the inspirational photos, sketches, and watercolors I keep near my desk--my writing sanctuary. Sometimes I open my huge book of Art Reproductions--sometimes a Rembrandt provides the best inspiration. Sometimes it's a Picasso. Or it's a pastel watercolor by my friend, the Houston artist, Margaret Carson. If I'm writing in the voice of a teen protagonist I might seek out the work of a graffiti artist, Death Star anime, or a graphic novel.
A bowl of camellias or lilacs fills a room with fragrance and awaken my senses. I spend a few moments stroking the silky hair of my Maltese. Music often inspires the mood I'm seeking--sometime it's Billy Holliday or Edith Piaf. Sometimes it's Amy Winehouse or Lily Allen. Dylan, Jackson Brown, even Springsteen, Usher or Rap--whatever the writing might call for.
Just as in any relationship, you have to cherish and nourish that important connection with your Muse, your creative spirit. You nurture one another. WRITE ON!
...soo enjoy ur blogging...no wonder your prose is so seamless and flowing...ur muse visits u 24/7!