A contest win (another one) lifted my spirits this week. A short story, Ladies’ Man, won first prize and some $$$ (actually euros, but they convert) in the Creative Ink monthly contest. I need to remind myself that I want people to actually read what I’ve written.
One of the major changes in the field of writing and publishing in the past decade has been the expectation that writers must also be marketers. As most writers, I prefer to be writing, not attending to the business of publishing. I find, however, when I buckle down and devote a few hours to Sending out work, I’m often pleased with a response like this.
Dear Joanne,
Many thanks for submitting your competition entry, Ladies’ Man, to our Creative Writing Ink January competition and congratulations, as you are the winner!
Thanks again,
Warm regards,
Olive O'Brien
Do you enter contests? ( I do.) Does that mean I'm too competitive? Should writing be a competitive art?