joanne Weck Author Page

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Yes, it's already the 15th of January, but 1/15/15 seems like a propitious date. So I'm starting a little late to think about new year's resolutions
Question: Why does the turn of a calendar page feel like a new start, a slate wiped clean, the chance for a new beginning?
Question: How many resolutions have I made in the past (and broken)?
Question: How many have I made and kept?
Question: Will this year be any different?
Question: Are my resolutions this year the same as the ones I made last year? Probably. But why not at least make the effort? Maybe this time they will stick. I did quit smoking. I did publish a novel and fifteen short stories. I did write three more novels and three plays, all of which came out of past resolutions, so progress may be slow, but progress is progress.
Okay, resolutions:
#1. Write more.
#2. Write every day.
#3. Keep a positive attitude (despite all the horrors in the world).
#4. Eat healthy.
#5. Lose ten pounds.
#6. Keep finding inspiration for the writing.
#7. Exercise. (Yoga really helps with that positive attitude)
Okay, that's seven.
Lucky seven.
I'll check in next year at this time and see what I've kept.

1 comment:

  1. Looking ahead. Sometimes it takes courage to go on. I can't go on. I'll go one.
