Question: Why does the turn of a calendar page feel like a new start, a slate wiped clean, the chance for a new beginning?
Question: How many resolutions have I made in the past (and broken)?
Question: How many have I made and kept?
Question: Will this year be any different?
Question: Are my resolutions this year the same as the ones I made last year? Probably. But why not at least make the effort? Maybe this time they will stick. I did quit smoking. I did publish a novel and fifteen short stories. I did write three more novels and three plays, all of which came out of past resolutions, so progress may be slow, but progress is progress.
Okay, resolutions:
#1. Write more.
#2. Write every day.
#3. Keep a positive attitude (despite all the horrors in the world).
#4. Eat healthy.
#5. Lose ten pounds.
#6. Keep finding inspiration for the writing.
#7. Exercise. (Yoga really helps with that positive attitude)
Okay, that's seven.
Lucky seven.
I'll check in next year at this time and see what I've kept.
Looking ahead. Sometimes it takes courage to go on. I can't go on. I'll go one.