This is my aim and goal but it can be quite a challenge, especially when traveling or on vacation. There are times when I want to leave the journal or the computer behind and spend the day on the beach, sailing, exploring, hiking, going to plays, films, or concerts, letting the wind blow through my hair.
However, if I spend a day without at least a journal entry I feel a certain lack, as if I've forgotten to take my vitamins or brush my teeth. Something important left undone. Before the end of the day I find myself ferreting out my journal and scribbling a few lines, or opening my computer and rereading and editing my previous day's work.
Does this insure "a pleasant career"? I couldn't say. What I can say is that is satisfies something in my soul. What it does is remind me that I write first of all for my own satisfaction. What it says is that a habit perpetuates itself. So, even though I am in Florida, instead of my home state(s) of Pa and NJ, trying to play and forget about "working" I find the writing bug still biting. It's like a mosquito's bite, creating an itch that has to be scratched. WRITE ON!
Yes, I can truly see how as a writer you feel something is missing in your life when you haven't written for a day or so...like forgetting to take your cerebral vitamins ....