joanne Weck Author Page

Thursday, August 13, 2015


“A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.” 
― George R.R. MartinA Game of Thrones

The lion has always been a popular symbol of courage and strength, in myths, the bible, history. I've used it myself. A protagonist of my current novel is named Leo because of its symbolic connotations.
How can I be  heartbroken over the death of one beautiful lion killed as a trophy? I'm sure other lions are hunted and killed every day.
I know the world is full of other horrors, human horrors, starvation, war, human trafficking, sex slavery, yet I can be moved to tears by the murder of one beautiful beast.
(I always knew the beast in Beauty and the Beast was a lion, a beautiful lion. )
Is it because I was born a Leo? I don't really believe in astrological nonsense (except for the fact that the horoscope for a Leo has me pegged--arrogant, creative, narcissistic) nonetheless I identify with lions.
My totem animal.
I notice statues of lions, paintings, and the appearance of lion icons in films.
The murder of this one lion devastates me.

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