joanne Weck Author Page

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Why do we (that is I) make New Year's resolutions? How many have I kept? Will I do the same this year? No doubt I will.

Last year I resolved to finish my mystery novel BONE MOON and I did. I resolved to find a new agent and I did. I resolved to lose ten pounds and instead I gained five. But at least making the resolve keeps it on my mind.

I resolved to volunteer for a good cause and I did it for a year. Teaching English as a second language was difficult but rewarding for someone who taught English to native speakers but never before to Koreans, Hispanics, Chinese, and French, all adults in the same class. We had a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how successful my results were.

I resolved to contribute to causes that I really cared about, homeless children, NPR, the environment, and political causes that I agree with. This was easy by having a certain amount automatically withdrawn each month.

What will I resolve this year? To dive into the mystery series I'm currently working on, and see it through to at least two (maybe three) books completed and at least one published.

To lose fifteen pounds. That's the toughest one because I love to nibble as I write. Maybe I will place carrots and celery next to my computer instead of chips and chocolate. (But I won't enjoy it.)

I wish I could by resolution bring about hope, peace and understanding in this world, but that would only work if every single human joined in.

I wish that for everyone has a wonderful 2018, and finds PEACE, JOY, AND UNDERSTANDING. (And goodies.)

Monday, October 16, 2017


Hank Phillippi Ryan knows how to conduct a workshop and inspire writers who are working toward completing a crime novel. She inspires and cajoles and teaches. It was the best workshop I've attended and I've attended quite a few. I CAME HOME INSPIRED AND WROTE FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. Ten chapters in ten days. Quite a record for me.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Never, Never, Never Give Up

Do what you love to do. Do with with your whole heart and soul. Even when you don't see results, when no one else seems to appreciate what you're doing, don't give up. Just when you think that all is lost, a break comes along.

I've been writing since I was a child. I have always had a sense that life needs to be recorded, that imagination adds to the sum total of the richness of our world. I have thirteen short stories published, two novels, and plays performed at various New Jersey theaters.

I have two novels completed, unpublished, a cache of short stories that have not been published, but that doesn't keep me from writing more. And more. I'm halfway through another novel. I write every day.

When two of my plays were chosen this year for the Playwrights Showcase at the Leonia Theater it was a real pleasure to see words I had written take on life.

Every now and then, writing becomes more than personal. It does what you hoped for--goes out into the world.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


The Players Guild of Leonia  presented their PLAYWRIGHTS'SPOTLIGHT to standing room only for five amazing performances. 
BEYOND REDEMPTION and CRIMINAL NEGLECT were favorites with the audience.
The directors, actors, and support systems created a memorable show.
So proud!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Players Guild of Leonia,
2017 Playwrights Showcase

JOANNE WECK’S plays, ​Beyond Redemption and Criminal Neglect June ​9-11, and June ​16-​17 at 8 pm and one Sunday at 3 pm at the Players Guild of Leonia Drill  Avenue,  L Hall Theater, 130 Grand Ave, Leonia, NJ.