Since I had also studied
acting at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and had appeared as an extra
on the soap "Another World", we had a pleasant conversation about acting as he sat
in my kitchen and shared coffee and cookies. He was handsome and polite and he
joked with my six-year-old son who had also acted in a few commercials.
I met Ray again years later when he returned to
Union High School for a day of celebration--Ray Liotta Day. By that time he had become famous. The red carpet was rolled out for
him and many festivities planned.
As the then current Theater
teacher at his alma mater, I invited him to re-enact a scene from a play he had
appeared in as a student, with some of my young theater students reading supporting roles. He dismissed
the suggestion out of hand. He spoke only to a large group in the gymnasium.
During his talk he asked if a certain teacher was still at the school, and
followed the answer with a put down. He told the kids he had succeeded
without going to to college and generally denigrated his high school
experience. Apparently the students were not impressed with his visit. His
photo plaque mounted in the school foyer was defaced within the week.

3. Michael Jackson--I interviewed him for Scholastic Magazines when I was working as an editor there. He was sweet, innocent, and idealistic. I left the recorded interview at the magazine office when I departed, but I wish I’d made a copy.

4. Cliff Roberson--star of many old movies such as Charly and PT 109. I met him first by accident at a studio in Manhattan when I was waiting to audition and he was waiting to have his makeup done for a public service commercial. He looked to be about sixty-five, weathered, but very healthy and tanned. (I was in my thirties.) He asked me if I were the make up artist. I confessed I wasn't. He initiated a friendly chat and invited me to submit resumes for my son and me as extras for a film he would be making called Morning, Winter and Night, based on a Sherwood Anderson short story. I called my manager that afternoon.
The next day I received a
strange telephone call from Mr. Robertson. He asked me many personal questions, as though
vetting me for something more than an "extra" on the film.
He asked about my family, where I had grown up, my maiden name, my marital
status and chatted in a friendly manner.
On location (Deerfield,
Mass.) however, he only nodded when he saw me.I wondered if I had failed some test. Still, my son and I had
a wonderful time, staying at the Deerfield Inn and shooting scenes in the snow.
The film never got completed due to some union problem. However, on
the shoot, we met Brooke Shields, who was the star.

6. Olympia Dukakis--She
sponsored a woman's playwriting seminar at the Whole Theater in Montclair, NJ
and occasionally stopped by to hear us read scenes from our work. When she won
an Oscar for Moonstruck she invited the group to a dinner at her home in Upper
Montclair, NJ. We ate sphagetti and meatballs and drank a toast to the most
generous and welcoming host.
7. N. Richard
Nash--playwright, author of The Rainmaker. He spoke to our group at Princeton
and generously posed for publicity photos.